You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in Milan, Michigan located in Telfair county, United States.
There are 514 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 401 to 420
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
11301Click to match with #11301
Sep 7, 1974UnknownUnknownMichiganFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
22519Click to match with #22519
1975UnknownUnknownMichiganFemaleAccess adoption listing #22519 in Michigan family reunion registryView
34928Click to match with #34928
1975UnknownUnknownMichiganMaleRead details of adoption listing #34928 in Michigan family reunion registryView
42587Click to match with #42587
1975UnknownUnknownMichiganMaleOpen adoption record #42587 in Michigan family reunion registryView
17276Click to match with #17276
Apr 4, 1975UnknownUnknownMichiganFemaleAccess adoption listing #17276 in Michigan family reunion registryView
11179Click to match with #11179
Apr 19, 1975UnknownUnknownMichiganFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
22708Click to match with #22708
May 19, 1975UnknownUnknownMichiganMaleOpen adoption record #22708 in Michigan family reunion registryView
15522Click to match with #15522
Jun 19, 1975UnknownUnknownMichiganMaleOpen adoption listing #15522 in Michigan family reunion registryView
34844Click to match with #34844
Jul 1, 1975UnknownUnknownMichiganMaleView adoption record #34844 in Michigan family reunion registryView
22892Click to match with #22892
Aug 1975UnknownUnknownMichiganFemaleAccess adoption listing #22892 in Michigan family reunion registryView
86784Click to match with #86784
Sep 1975UnknownUnknownMichiganFemaleAccess adoption listing #86784 in Michigan family reunion registryView
94593Click to match with #94593
Sep 18, 1975UnknownUnknownMichiganFemaleOpen adoption record #94593 in Michigan family reunion registryView
40743Click to match with #40743
Oct 1975UnknownUnknownMichiganMaleOpen adoption listing #40743 in Michigan family reunion registryView
40744Click to match with #40744
Oct 1975UnknownUnknownMichiganMaleRead details of adoption record #40744 in Michigan family reunion registryView
42182Click to match with #42182
Oct 29, 1975UnknownUnknownMichiganMaleView adoption record #42182 in Michigan family reunion registryView
33963Click to match with #33963
Nov 12, 1975UnknownUnknownMichiganMaleOpen adoption listing #33963 in Michigan family reunion registryView
41093Click to match with #41093
Nov 13, 1975UnknownUnknownMichiganUnknownView adoption listing #41093 in Michigan family reunion registryView
81052Click to match with #81052
1976UnknownUnknownMichiganFemaleView adoption record #81052 in Michigan family reunion registryView
104529Click to match with #104529
Jan 26, 1976UnknownUnknownMichiganFemaleRead details of adoption record #104529 in Michigan family reunion registryView
92931Click to match with #92931
Jun 25, 1976UnknownUnknownMichiganFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
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